the reviews are in…

  • “Whoa, I mean, I’m pretty speechless. Thank you so much. Really blessed to have crossed paths with you. My guides and ancestors really found me such an amazing beautiful soul like you to channel these messages for me. And in such divine timing as well. Thanks Bruna, words can’t articulate my gratitude.”

    —Arash S.

  • “What I love about Bruna is how she creates an experience that takes the holistic view into consideration. She looks not just at themes but offers tactical ideas for the gnawing challenges. Every time I have worked with her I feel lighter and relieved as the space she offers is one of safety and self awareness. Not only has she been highly accurate in very specific situations but her genuine care and concerns for her clients are felt in all she does. I even booked her for a small group session with my team at work and it is still the talk of our department. Bruna is a rare gift.”

    — Audrey B.

  • “Bruna is a brilliant intuitive. I came across her during one of the most challenging times of my life and her initial reading was so spot on that I was speechless. This was during the initial leg of my spiritual journey, and since then I’ve had multiple readings, seeker calls and was a part of her Shadow Work course last year. Each time I’ve been given the guidance, reassurance and wisdom that I needed in that time. I’ve resonated deeply with all of her readings— her wisdom is truly invaluable and I’m so grateful! I’ve recommended her to all my close friends, and will continue to work with Bruna as a personal astrologer. She’s one of the best!”

    — Magaly M.

  • “Having been raised in a non-denominational Christian church, readings and tarot have always been something that I was taught to fear. Speaking of supernatural experiences and tapping into any type of magic was deemed as pure evil. The devil. I struggle til this day with my spiritual journey at times because of the religious trauma I endured. In my reading with Bruna, she addressed these blockages and suggested a past life reading. Also talked about childhood trauma. I did not share any of my prior experiences with her. The other parts of the reading were about shadow work and my children. Since my reading, a major shift has occurred. I encourage all considering a reading to trust your intuition. There is so much beauty on the other side of fear. Thank you again, Bruna.”


  • “I asked Bruna for a reading as I felt I needed cosmic confirmation on changes I was making in my life. I did not tell her that at the time. I had been following her for some time, attended two of her online speaker seminars and trust her. Her reading was dead-on and in more ways than I knew at the time, confirming that I was making the right changes. It was uncanny. Bruna and I have never met and I do not post about my life.”


  • “Bruna truly has a gift. In the past, I have been skeptical about readings, I didn’t believe in them. I didn’t believe in a lot of things, actually, especially spirituality. Mostly, I think because I was so disconnected with myself. I made a change for the best and now I believe and Have become a more conscious and spiritual person. It has been the best thing ever and I feel more at peace with myself. With that being said, I was finally open to a reading and OMG, Bruna is the best. I did not tell her anything about me and all that she told me resonated so deeply, like ALL of it. It has brought light to what I need to do for myself to continue to grow. She is real, she is raw and she is good. Not only did she give the reading, but it was followed with advice on what to do. If you are considering, do it. You won’t regret it. There is nothing to fear, this might shed some light for you.”


  • “My birth chart reading, gave me so much insight on my life where it’s currently at and what is to come for me. Bruna created such a safe space for me to feel vulnerable during our call and it was a beautiful and enjoyable experience.”

    —Tifanny U.

  • “Bruna is great. The divine came through with what I needed to hear and resonated on so many levels! Thank you for sharing your gift!”

    —Tiffany W.